
August 15, 2018
Cyclists posing in front of Wallanka mountain

Cycling route in Peru: Huanuco to Huaraz

Peru is a fantastic cycling country for those who love mountains, winding roads, cycling above 4,000 meters, a lively culture and beautiful views...
August 15, 2018
Gringo in Peru

Hola gringo

The roads in the Andes lie from the top of the mountain to deep into the valley. There is a small bridge to cross the river and then the new climb...
August 6, 2018
Tips voor een wereldreis op de fiets

Our five habits on the bicycle

After more than 15,000 kilometers in the saddle we can call ourselves world cyclists. Two years ago we stepped on the bikes without any experience...
August 4, 2018
aardappelen wassen in de goot in peru

Life on the mountainside

'Stop!' shouts Olivier, but it is already to late. The chain jumps from the outer gear and compresses between the spokes. We have just arrived at the paved road...