Cycling inspiration

Are you an experienced cyclist who has traveled several times, or are you going on a cycling holiday for the very first time? We have some great recommendations and tips for you. Of course there is much more inspiration in all travel stories from our world trip by bicycle. And discover all our cycling videos on the video page.

October 14, 2024
Dwars door l'Ardèche en Le Vercors

Crossing the Ardeche and Vercors

October 26, 2023

Black Forest cycling route

Schwarzwald Radweg The Black Forest, located in southwestern Germany, is a true paradise for cycling enthusiasts. With its lush forests, endless gravel paths and charming villages, this enchanted region offers […]
August 11, 2023
Cycling to Scandinavia

The most beautiful cycling routes to Scandinavia

Cycling to Scandinavia Scandinavia, perhaps all the way to the North Cape. It is a destination that captures the imagination of almost every cyclist. On the way to Scandinavia, the […]
May 27, 2023
Bike and train

Cycling in Europe by train and boat

January 27, 2022

Bikepacking in winter packing list

Packing list cycling in winter For our new adventure, we are heading to Scandinavia in the winter. We already have a lot of winter experience, but not so much on […]
August 15, 2021
Groene weg naar de Middelandse zee fietsroute

Packing list for a bike trip in the summer

During our world trip we cycled with full packs: two rear panniers, two front panniers and a handlebar bag. At that time we had summer and winter clothes in our bags, a laptop, and an empty backpack on the back of our bikes...
March 12, 2021

Cycling in Southern Norway

Snow-capped mountains, the northern lights, glittering fjords, Norway captures the imagination of every adventurer. The mythical North Cape is on the wish list of many cyclists.
December 1, 2020
typical church in denmark

Cycling in Denmark

Copenhagen has already beaten Amsterdam and Utrecht twice as the best city for cycling in the world. Is Denmark really such a bicycle country as the Netherlands? We traveled through Denmark on skates last summer and followed various national and regional cycling routes...
September 15, 2020
sierra huasteca mexico

Ruta Huasteca

Mexico is a huge country with many different regions, climates, cultures and nature. Yucatan is tropical and flat, Chiapas has beautiful waterfalls, Oaxaca delicious food, but we think the Huasteca Mountains are the most beautiful part of Mexico that we got to know...
August 15, 2020

Cycling in Mexico

Mexico, according to many cyclists, one of the best countries for cycling. Because of the delicious food, the hospitable people, the beautiful nature and the countless routes. We cycled more than 3,000 kilometers from south to north and crossed many provinces...
June 10, 2020
duffel bags for a canoe trip

10 essential items on your packing list

What to pack on a camping trip? I go on a trip and take with me: my backpack, sleeping bag, tent, toothbrush,…. We have an extensive packing list for cycling, hiking, canoeing and skiing...
May 1, 2020
alternative appalachian trail

The Alternative Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Mountains is a low mountain range in the east of the United States. One of the most famous long-distance hikes in the world, the Appalachian Trail, extends the entire length of the mountains. A thru-hike is a huge challenge that takes four to six months to cover the 3,500 kilometers...
March 17, 2020
Tent or hammock

A hammock or a tent on a long trek?

In 2019 we decided to hike the Appalachian Trail. We wanted a backpack that was as light as possible, without making major concessions on comfort and personal care. One of the most difficult choices was the decision between sleeping a tent and a hammock...
January 3, 2020
the power of the mind

Cycling in North Guatemala

Guatemala is known for its beautiful nature, the volcanoes, the Maya culture and its steep climbs. It is a very tough country to cycle through, especially if you leave the busy main roads. However, the reward is great because it is a beautiful country and highly recommended by bicycle...
December 5, 2019
eating healthy on the trail

7 tips for eating healthy on the trail

People sometimes say we are crazy when they see how much food we carry. Our bag is full with a whole bunch of fresh vegetables, pasta, sour cream and herbs. That is not surprising when you go camping for a weekend, but it is when you walk 1,000 kilometers on the Appalachian Trail...
November 2, 2019
Cycling with beautiful views on Fitz Roy

Bicycle touring pack list

Once, we started a world trip by bicycle without any experience. We bought second-hand bicycles, second-hand panniers, a tent and left on an indefinite journey. We soon learned to pack our bags and sent home unnecessary items...
April 29, 2019
Fietsen in Zuid-Amerika over onverharde wegen

Cycling in South America, south to north, or the other way around?

From Bogota to Ushuaia or from Ushuaia to Quito, both are iconic bicycle touring routes and every year there are many cyclists undertaking this adventure...
April 28, 2019

Cycling in Belize

You have to make a detour for it, but many cyclists are willing to get that extra stamp. Between Guatemala and the Yucatan province in Mexico lies...
January 16, 2019
fietsen tussen bananenplantages

Cycling in Ecuador

If we can recommend one country for cycling in South America, it is certainly not Ecuador. It is a beautiful country, but it is very tough for cycling...
January 7, 2019
zelf vuur maken

The secrets of making a good fire

"Survival are techniques to get out of a difficult situation as quickly as possible, bushcraft are techniques to enjoy living in nature and use its resources"...
December 3, 2018
Crossing salar de coipaca by bicycle

Cycling in Bolivia

If you ask a cyclist which country in South America was best for cycling, many will put Bolivia in their top three. Bolivia has everything...
November 23, 2018
Paragliden in Jericó with Ecoland Jerico

The coffee route in Colombia

Colombia is a fantastic country for cycling. Nature is beautiful, people are great and there is more fresh fruit than you can ever eat...
October 30, 2018
Via Reserva Ecologica El Angel

Cycling through Reserva Ecologica El Angel

The Reserva Ecologica El Angel is a reward for who just enters Ecuador or leaves the country for Colombia. Any alternative to avoid the busy Panamarican
October 24, 2018
Hoedenwinkel Cuenca

Cuenca by bike

In South America there are only a few cities that are bike friendly. Either it is life-threatening with reckless minivans and taxis, or the streets are so steep...
September 22, 2018
foto voor paklijst fietsvakantie

Cycling in Peru

Cycling in Peru is beautiful and heavy at the same time. The routes go from top to bottom with climbing and descents of sixty kilometers...
September 11, 2018
Cañon del Pato, a beautiful cycling route in Peru

The car-free cycling route in Peru

The car-free cycling route in Peru Caraz to Huamachuco The car-free title may have been slightly exaggerated, but only five cars passed us at the day. That is almost car-free […]
August 20, 2018
cycling in the dust

Our ten greatest irritations on the bicycle

Cycling is fun, a world trip by bike is perhaps the best thing there is, although there are times when it is not fun at all. Of course, there are challenges...
August 15, 2018
Cyclists posing in front of Wallanka mountain

Cycling route in Peru: Huanuco to Huaraz

Peru is a fantastic cycling country for those who love mountains, winding roads, cycling above 4,000 meters, a lively culture and beautiful views...
August 6, 2018
Tips voor een wereldreis op de fiets

Our five habits on the bicycle

After more than 15,000 kilometers in the saddle we can call ourselves world cyclists. Two years ago we stepped on the bikes without any experience...
June 28, 2018

Cycling route Old roads and pilgrim towns

All roads lead to Rome, although there are many that go to Santiago de Compostela. Routes leave from all over Europe to the famous pilgrim capital...


The map shows some of the most beautiful cycling routes in the world, as inspiration for your next cycling adventure. We cycled the blue lines ourselves, the red ones are on our bucket list.


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