On Friday 30th of September 2016 we left Amsterdam by bicycle for an unlimited world trip! For a long time we kept all options open and we had no idea when, how, for how long and where we would leave. This is the way we want to travel, the best things happen when you don't plan. At the beginning of June 2016 the idea arose to leave from home and we would use the bicycle as our first mode of transport. Three years later we travelled more than 35.000 kilometers on human power. We cycled to the end of the world, all the way through South America, hiked 1.000 kilometers on the AT and paddled the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. And our next plans are even more exciting.
What do you want to read? Click below for all stories the Sailing and South America. Or discover all our statistics! We started translating our blog since the sailing adventure, so our stories about cycling in Europe aren't available in English yet.