
June 22, 2017
Cyclist waiting for the bus in Brazil

Punctured to Salvador

We are half way our trip to Salvador, where Zoë’s parents will be waiting for us. Only a few kilometers are in front of us and...
June 20, 2017
Tattooed Brazilian with his cat

Diego Bianchetti

At one o’clock in the night I ring Diego Bianchetti’s door bell. A long beard, wild hair and a body full with tattoos is waiting...
June 14, 2017
Cyclist next to graffiti walls of a warehouse

A cold or warm shower

Excited we tear the plastic of our bicycles. It feels like opening a present, a gift for three turbulent months on a sailing boat...
June 9, 2017
Sailer sleeping on deck

The 25 best seasickness tips

The best seasickness tips always come from an expert, although this honour is doubtful. Olivier was seasick every sailing trip, sometimes only a little sick...