
February 21, 2020
a bad start

A bad start

Everything is packed and is already in the car. Last night we enjoyed the last supper and sat with Jonathan in front of the fire...
February 14, 2020
ViaRail the Canadian train in Ontario

100 hours in the train

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is David and I am responsible for your wellbeing on this train. We will make sure you are comfortable and enjoy your ride. From now on your are one big family in the train, and you can't choose that family" the enthusiastic train attendant says almost prophetically...
February 7, 2020
Snowshoeiing around Vancouver

Snow snow snow snow

It is an annual ritual, just before Christmas, with the Christmas tree rigged and the winter more or less in the country, I watch the movie 'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas' from 1954...
January 21, 2020
cycling saint lawrence in winter

The turkey is cooked

All beautiful songs come to an end, as does the song in Fort Kent. We were able to extend our visa for one month, but we cannot repeat the same trick twice. Carl and Pat explicitly asked us to stay until Thanksgiving to get to know the family...