Our trip

July 14, 2020
klompen op de fiets

Black stockings

Early in the morning we sit in a warm morning sun next to our tent. Although we crawled exhausted into the tent, we slept badly on our sleeping mats. At four o\'clock in the morning, the outside cover of the tent turned ocher yellow and our autopilot started...
July 23, 2020
bicycle trailer

Scheisse in Germany

July 31, 2020
cycling route in Denmark

God tur

Since we left Breda we tell everyone that we are going to Sweden. Usually there is a pronounced surprise, but some people note that Denmark is closed. “We are progressing slowly so it will take a few more weeks before we reach the border...
August 19, 2020
typical church in denmark

Criss crossing Jutland

Our route planning has never been so open. Compared to South America, cycling or skating in Europe is a walk in the park. There are hundreds of routes to choose from and almost every day we can pass several villages with a grocery store...