Our trip

October 21, 2019
cleaning a canoe in a canoe rack

No You’ve Got, Yes You Can Get

For a long time we thought that some adventures were only reserved for a select group of people. Such as mountain climbing for people born in the mountains or cross-country skiing tours in winter for people from Norway and Sweden...
October 22, 2019
Canoeing with parents

The zero dollar campground

The zero dollar campground This guest blog is written by Rob Agasi, Zoë\’s father, after they visited us in the North East of the US. When you take your daughters […]
October 24, 2019
canoe portage with gear

One hundred kilos on our back

On Saturday morning, August 17, we are at the dock at Mountainman Outdoor. Our canoe is half in the water, half on the sand.
October 31, 2019
learn to canoe and tracking up rapids

Help! Rapids

Was it a smart choice to start the canoe trip without any experience? We could also have opted for a three-day trip, to feel what that is like, to adjust our gear, to learn the canoeing technique and then to start one of the most challenging canoe trips in the US. We could have done that, but a leap into the deep is the best way to learn