Our trip

February 14, 2020
ViaRail the Canadian train in Ontario

100 hours in the train

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is David and I am responsible for your wellbeing on this train. We will make sure you are comfortable and enjoy your ride. From now on your are one big family in the train, and you can't choose that family" the enthusiastic train attendant says almost prophetically...
February 21, 2020
a bad start

A bad start

Everything is packed and is already in the car. Last night we enjoyed the last supper and sat with Jonathan in front of the fire...
February 28, 2020
nomad topaz 24 backpack

Odd man out

-9 degrees, sun, no wind. That’s how we are ready on Tuesday morning, ready for the new start. Denis drops us off at a small side road where a beautifully prepared strip of 6 meters wide departs in the forest. Next to it is a sign "3 Est" and under it is written "Transquebec" in lower case letters.
March 12, 2020
preparing breakfast in snow

Winter routine

The eyes open, the morning light awakens us from our dreams and we look at the yellow color of the inner tent. The zippers are covered with a thick layer of frost, our nose is cold and we blow large white clouds of warm breath that immediately freezes in the air...