
September 26, 2017
Vicuña crossing the street in the Chilean Andes

Dry, salt and cactuses

In Mendoza we jump into Simon and Maxim's arms after one year without seeing them. We travel together to the North of Argentina and...
August 26, 2017
Cyclist on a abandoned mountain road

Wrong decision

From the bus terminal we cycle to the aero club in Rio Quarto. We wont take off, but Tatalo arranged us a camp spot at the private...
August 25, 2017
Portrait picture of a gaucho in Uruguay

Ruben Ferreira

Our cheeks are coloured from the cold while we look at the remote farm along a small dirt road. We are still looking for...
August 25, 2017
Abandoned train station in Carlos Keen

The old railway

From the first moment our legs push us to Argentina. Off course with a detour due to the wind. Argentina is the country of landscapes...