
January 7, 2019
zelf vuur maken

The secrets of making a good fire

"Survival are techniques to get out of a difficult situation as quickly as possible, bushcraft are techniques to enjoy living in nature and use its resources"...
January 16, 2019
fietsen tussen bananenplantages

Cycling in Ecuador

If we can recommend one country for cycling in South America, it is certainly not Ecuador. It is a beautiful country, but it is very tough for cycling...
April 28, 2019

Cycling in Belize

You have to make a detour for it, but many cyclists are willing to get that extra stamp. Between Guatemala and the Yucatan province in Mexico lies...
April 29, 2019
Fietsen in Zuid-Amerika over onverharde wegen

Cycling in South America, south to north, or the other way around?

From Bogota to Ushuaia or from Ushuaia to Quito, both are iconic bicycle touring routes and every year there are many cyclists undertaking this adventure...