Without a travel guide or a travel website you probably would not know what you can visit in a country or a city. During our trip we don't have the goal to visit all the tourist highlights, but we will certainly encounter a number of them. We like to tell you about the most beautiful sights, practical tips or a special experience in a country. We always do that with the sustainable idea in mind. Some details are worthy of being special and hidden. On this page you will find general travel tips about beautiful places, but also insights about the way we travel. For example, How much money do you need for a world trip , what is self supported travelling and why do we register dead animals? Many more questions are answered in our blogs.

Are you looking for tips for traveling by bike or on foot? On the pages CYCLING INSPIRATION and HIKING INSPIRATION you will find all kinds of nice routes and tips.

May 4, 2020
sleeping in the snow, camp in extreme cold

How to camp in extreme cold

Before starting our winter adventure, we had no experience with backcountry skiing or cold-weather camping. We weren't concerned about skiing but camping at -40 degrees Celsius made us shiver in our boots...
April 21, 2020
packing list winter camping

Packing list for winter travel

When we approached the end of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail in the northeastern US, we didn't have a new plan yet. We knew that we would spend the winter in Canada and there was a dream of a short ski trip...
April 17, 2020
fleur de lis facts about quebec

15 interesting facts about Quebec

Before going to Quebec, we knew it was a province of Canada, but if somebody would have asked to point out the province exactly on a map, we would have failed. A few months later we learned a lot about Quebec...
March 17, 2020
Tent or hammock

A hammock or a tent on a long trek?

In 2019 we decided to hike the Appalachian Trail. We wanted a backpack that was as light as possible, without making major concessions on comfort and personal care. One of the most difficult choices was the decision between sleeping a tent and a hammock...
December 23, 2019
ViaRail train in snow

Low budget with the train across Canada

Canada is a huge country. It is the second largest country in the world after Russia with a distance of 6.500 kilometers from west to east. It is almost impossible to see the whole country in one trip, but for the adventurous traveler there is a wonderful way to see Canada, the train across Canada...
December 5, 2019
eating healthy on the trail

7 tips for eating healthy on the trail

People sometimes say we are crazy when they see how much food we carry. Our bag is full with a whole bunch of fresh vegetables, pasta, sour cream and herbs. That is not surprising when you go camping for a weekend, but it is when you walk 1,000 kilometers on the Appalachian Trail...
November 16, 2019
packing list for canoe trip

Packing list for a canoe trip

Before we started the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, we had no experience with canoeing. We searched blogs on the internet with packing lists and put together our own packing list...
November 8, 2019
hiking the at in Georgia

10 tips for a long hike you didn’t think off

During our 1000-km hike on the Appalachian Trail (AT), we noticed that we had some other habits than the hikers we met along the way. Apparently we have developed our own outdoor living routines during our human powered travels...


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