south america

March 3, 2018
Ramon Generales Ushuaia El almacen viejo

Behind the scenes

Our life in Ushuaia remains quiet and behind the scenes. We don’t take much effort to integrate in the social life and focus on our new goals...
March 16, 2018
Liften naar Buenos Aires in Ushuaia

Hitchhiking to Buenos Aires

'I'm happy that we only have to do six kilometers today' Zoë says when we leave Ushuaia. Yesterday we packed all our bags in less than an hour...
April 5, 2018
cycling in the dust

Unknown Paraguay

For the second time we arrive in Buenos Aires. This time not with the bicycles, but by truck. It isn't the end of our hitchhiking adventure...
April 16, 2018
De groene hel Transchaco

The green hell

‘Ready for it?’ Olivier asks when we are in bed around 9 o’clock in the evening. ‘I am not really looking forward to it’ Zoë replies. After all the horror stories...