Ortlieb panniers
They are legendary, they are the best panniers you can have, the Ortlieb panniers. When you imagine a travel touring bike, it is hard not to think about it without those beautiful coloured panniers in the back and front. Nowadays they exist in many different colours and even different fabrics. This is why we love our Ortlieb panniers:

- (+) Durable
- The Ortlieb panniers are costly, but that's for a reason. The bags are made of high quality materials which tend to last a very long time. And that's exactly what you need while travelling with a bicycle in all type of weather conditions and environments. We bought our panniers second hand, but they still do what you expect from them.
- (+) Waterproof
- While travelling on the bicycle you want your stuff to keep dry, even in severe weather conditions. We had tropical rain showers in Brazil and non stop rainy days in Chile. At the end of the day our stuff was always dry. There are a lot of electronics in our bags, like a laptop and external hard drive which are extremely valuable for us. We trust the Ortlieb panniers do keep them safe.
- (+) Enough space
- The Ortlieb Back Roller Classic has a capacity of 40 liters, which is a lot. The front panniers have a capacity of 25 liters. So on the bicycle you have a total capacity of at least 130 liters with four panniers, more than double than an average backpack. You can take a lot of stuff!. Our Hilleberg tent fits in the back pannier, together with the sleeping bag, the cooking stove, gasoline, liner and some other things. And that's just one bag.
We have 3 sets of Ortlieb panniers: Ortlieb Back Roller Classic, Ortlieb Back Roller City and Ortlieb Sport Roller Classic (front panniers)
Check our their website to find your perfect Ortlieb bicycle panniers.