We are hitting the road again! This time a new exciting adventure awaits us. Just like five years ago, we start with a dream, but without route and time limit. The dream is clear: the search for our basecamp! But oh, how exciting this is for us. After five years of adventure and so much change, we are now going to look for a permanent place. We find that super exciting! It is a new step into the unknown. In the coming months we will take you with us on this quest. We do not know where we will end up and what our future will look like. The journey by bicycle will once again give us the answer. If we travel slowly and be open-minded, we will find the answer to this question. We will take you through the encounters along the way, our thoughts, the choices we make, the setbacks and the moments of happiness. We hope you join us!
Project Basecamp-X
We are looking for a home base, a basecamp from which we can go on adventures. We are looking for a life where we have three days of income and four days of time for adventure and our own projects. This can be on a weekly basis (3 days work/4 days adventure), but also on a yearly basis (5 months work, 7 months adventure). The house will be our basecamp where we have our stuff, but where we also like to welcome our family, friends and other visitors. Our own place full of adventure.The X stands for the unknown place where our basecamp will be. A cross on the map in Scandinavia, but where exactly we don't know yet.
The bicycle
In winter

Over the past few years, we have learned how we envision our lives. An outdoor life where adventure stands on the first place. We are convinced that Scandinavia offers all the ingredients to make this dream come true. The outdoor culture of the people, the vast nature, real winter, the right to roam. There is so much that attracts us! Our world trip also taught us another important lesson: living a dream doesn't happen if you wait for it. We have to take the initiative, open up, search, ask questions and talk to people. For us, that search works best if we move toward our dream in a slow way. The bicycle and the adventure will show us the way. Then we meet people, are flexible and have time to discover the answer. On human power, but not alone. We don't know the answer yet, but we are confident that we will discover it in the coming months! And yes, this is also very exciting for us. Not so much the cycling in winter, but the quest to find that dream spot! Will we find it? And there is Pippi Longstocking again. We don't know if we'll really like it in Scandinavia, but we won't know until we've tried it. Doing is the only way to find out. That's what we're going for!